
In 2017, the 99-year-old managed to achieve her dream of being arrested.

It might be an awesome bucket list item, but Annie is determined to make it happen.

The big arrest took place on February 23 in the Dutch town of Nijmegen-Zuid. Annie’s hands were cuffed as she was led into her prison cell. Peter Smit, a lieutenant at the police station, said the officers were just doing their part to make Annie’s wish come true.

Annie’s niece got the ball rolling when she was informed that her aunt was committing a crime.

It was then that she revealed Annie’s secret desires to the police. Annie is lucky that the police have agreed to go through the whole arrest process with her. The station even posted a video of the event on its social media page.

Apparently Annie was thrilled with the arrest. Her sweet laughs are truly contagious. No wonder this video went viral. It’s hard not to cheer Annie on as she achieves her dream of finally getting caught.

Even though she was only detained for a short time, it was obvious that the whole event tickled her

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