A heartwarming video of a Brazilian barber shaving his own head after cutting off a cancer patient’s hair has gone viral on social media.
The video shows the barber, who has been identified as Pablo Mendonça, shaving the head of his client, Ana de Paula, who is undergoing cancer treatment. As de Paula breaks down in tears, Mendonça surprises her by wrapping his arms around her and shaving off his own hair.
The video has received an outpouring of emotional responses from people all over the world, with many sharing their own personal experiences of being there for family members who battled cancer.
One Reddit user, who is a cancer patient herself, shared how anything friends and family can do to help cancer patients not feel alone is greatly appreciated.
Another Reddit user shared a funny anecdote about his 10-year-old daughter, who lost her hair during chemotherapy. When he offered to shave his head in solidarity, she jokingly told him not to make himself look worse. Despite the humor, the user couldn’t be prouder of his daughter, who is now a cancer survivor and in her last year of nursing school to become a pediatric oncology nurse.
The touching video of Mendonça’s selflessness and compassion is a reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of those battling cancer. It is a testament to the power of human connection and the importance of supporting one another during difficult times.