In a recent episode of “Britain’s Got Talent,” the judges and audience were blown away by the performance of two unlikely contestants. The duo, consisting of 80-year-old Paddy Jones and her 40-year-old dance partner Nico Espinosa, brought the house down with their acrobatic salsa routine.
As the performance neared its end, judge Amanda Holden decided she had seen enough and hit her golden buzzer, granting the duo a place in the show’s semi-finals. It was clear that these two could dance!
But how did Jones and Espinosa end up dancing together, despite their significant age difference? In a video interview with Guinness World Records back in 2010, Jones explained that after her husband passed away, she started attending Espinosa’s dance school in Spain.
At first, she was doing ordinary salsa with her feet on the ground. But the following year, Espinosa suggested they do something together and asked Jones how much she weighed. Despite finding the question a bit strange, Jones answered, and Espinosa replied with “muy bien,” before starting to choreograph an acrobatic salsa routine for them.
Despite their impressive routine, the duo was unfortunately not able to win on “Britain’s Got Talent.” During the semi-finals, Jones was forced to withdraw due to a broken rib. However, she remains an inspiration, proving that it’s never too late to dance your heart out, even if people might find it a bit funny.
While the “grannies” in the video below remain hilarious, it’s a shame that Jones wasn’t able to join them on stage. Nonetheless, her story serves as a reminder that age is just a number, and anyone can pursue their passions and live life to the fullest