
Luckily, Claudio Rivas, who is senior general manager of the PGA Tour Latinoamérica, didn’t let Brandon go without telling him what happened. Claudio Brandon argued that the hype was not someone trying to sabotage the game; Instead, he was an avid fan of people with Down syndrome.

The fan was so excited to see Brandon perform that he couldn’t control his emotions, which caused a loud outburst. When Brandon realized what had happened, he immediately started to feel less upset and his heart melted for the fan who just wanted to shout a shout of support.

The 25-year-old golfer felt bad about his reaction to the missed swing and asked to meet the fan so he could talk to him. When Brandon met a guy named Juan, the golfer signed a golf glove to give to him.

“I hugged him and said, ‘Hey, how are you?’ Matthews told Are you enjoying it? “I just wanted to make sure he was having fun, he doesn’t have bad feelings and he doesn’t feel bad about what happened.”

This is a case particularly dear to Brandon because his sister has Down’s syndrome and his mother works a lot with handicapped children. While he was still disappointed to have lost the match, he made it clear that there were more important things there. “Some things are bigger than golf,” he said.

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