
In 1997, Julie Kemp was driving home from church with her husband Andy and their 8-year-old son Landon when their car was crushed in a horrifying crash. Landon’s dad died at the scene, and so did Landon — twice.

The car was so badly destroyed that emergency responders had no idea Landon was even in the car. But as soon as they saw his stray shoe, they realized a child was somewhere inside. When they pulled Landon’s body out from the back of the vehicle, he was lifeless.

Doctors at Carolinas Medical Center in North Carolina told Julie he would likely not survive, but after two weeks in a coma, Landon miraculously woke up. Everyone was shocked to discover he had no trace of brain damage.

Instead, Landon had the most incredible story to tell about his experience in the afterlife.

Julie dreaded having to tell her son that his father had passed away, but couldn’t believe it when Landon told her, “I saw him in heaven.”

Landon also claims he saw his dad’s friend, who’d passed away less than a month before he did, also in a car accident, as well as the friend’s son who had also died. “Never one of us said a word to each other, but we were just all standing there,” Landon recounted.

But the most incredible part of Landon’s story is when he looked over at his mom and said, “By the way, I forgot to tell you. I saw your other two kids.”

At first, Julie had no idea what her son was talking about. Then she realized what he meant…

Discover what Landon endured and what he really saw in the video below. It definitely will reaffirm your faith:

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