
Zack works as a cashier at Great American Cookies. One day, he decided to pay for the officer’s sweets to express his thanks. Little did he know he would end up clinging to the act…

One day when a policeman came to Great American Cookies, teenage cashier Zach Randolph decided he wanted to do something nice. The officer was there to collect candy, so Randolph told him it was free; He would have paid for it himself.

The 18-year-old pulled out his wallet and paid $2.75, not even taking advantage of the clerk’s discount until the store received the amount owed.

According to Randolph: “He’s just a really nice guy plus he’s got a badge. It’s enough for me to buy him something. It’s the least I can do.”

The teenager was satisfied with his actions, until the incoming customers approached the counter. The man and woman also demanded the free candy, then gave Randolph a hard time when he said they had to pay as usual.

According to Randolph’s mother, the couple had a confrontation to say the least. The man reportedly told his son, “You know you’re probably going to get fired.”

Randolph went further on this subject, noting that he felt threatened by the man’s behavior.

He said, “He took his daughter down and got out of the way and was about to come back for me, thank God the vice principal and my colleague stopped him.”

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