
Samuel Green, father of Sammy, expressed deep emotion upon viewing the video capturing his son’s fear for his safety. He admitted to Fox 29, “I was fine until I saw the video. Then, when I see my son walk over to Hannah and whisper to her, I broke down. That’s when everything hit. It was really, really, really scary.” Samuel added, “To see my child looking for help because he was afraid basically for his life,” emphasizing the profound impact of the situation.

While the incident was shocking, Samuel found solace in his son’s ability to remain composed and seek assistance. He commended Sammy, stating, “He did what he was supposed to do because he didn’t know the person.” Samuel told 6 ABC, “He handled it so well, and I’m so proud of him.”

Hannah Daniels, the shop clerk who assisted Sammy, expressed her relief that Sammy reached out for help. She shared, “He was so thankful. He was like, ‘Thank you so much.’ And I was like, ‘I’m so glad you were smart enough to come here and come somewhere that you felt safe.'”

Meanwhile, the local police have located the woman, identified as a homeless individual frequently seen in the area, and have referred her for mental health treatment.

Reflecting on the incident, Samuel emphasized the importance of being vigilant about “stranger danger” and urged fellow parents to do the same. He advised, “Think of every scenario and make sure that children know and also practice it. Practice your situations and scenarios just like fire drills.”

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