
Highway Trooper Rick Morgan noticed a vehicle weaving in and out of the lanes of traffic on I-15 last Monday, May 4. Adrian Zamariba, 5, is behind the wheel.

Amazed by the lone passenger in the SUV, the stunned soldier can be heard on the dashcam video asking the little boy how he learned to drive.

Speaking to reporters at FOX 13 News Utah, Private Morgan recalled how little Adrian sat on the edge of the driver’s seat with his foot on the brake pedal. With the help of Cavalier Morgan, Adrian was able to stop the car. Private Morgan remarked in the scene that it was good that Adrian knew enough to pull the car to the side of the road.

Upon further investigation, Private Morgan learned that Adrian had decided to travel to California to buy a Lamborghini after an argument with his mother, who had refused to buy him such an expensive car. Adrian took $3 with him to pay for the luxury car.

After the stop, the Utah Highway Patrol reunited Adrian with his parents and conducted a full investigation into the extent of the crash. Officers determined that the young boy had only driven two miles from his home and had not exceeded 30 miles per hour while driving.

After speaking with the family, Webber County attorney Chris Allred announced that no charges would be filed in connection with the incident. Mr Allred said that while Adrian’s parents were at work, the boy’s 16-year-old sister Sydney Flores cared for him. While the teenager fell asleep, Adrien slipped out and began his short adventure.

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