
When you bring a dog home to guard your house, you expect it to be fierce and chase away any real threats. The two dogs in this video seem to have missed that note. The owners heard them barking like crazy and they came out to see what was wrong.

The dogs were playing with a big brown bear. bear. They bark incessantly at the postman, but don’t seem to see a menacing bear crawling across the back garden. You had a job, dog. They didn’t see the bear as a deadly intruder, but as a great friend to play with.

The bear seems to realize he’s in the wrong territory when the dog owners come out to see what’s going on. Like a frightened puppy, he climbs over the fence and disappears on the other side, leaving the puzzled dogs barking at where he had been sitting seconds before.

You can’t help but smile at the thought of two dogs playing with a giant bear. Sure, they might not always be the most talented security guards, but they know how to befriend the most likely – and least desirable – hackers. A dog’s heart is big enough for everyone, even this bear.

This video may hold a lesson for us humans. We don’t suggest playing with the next bear you see (in fact, we strongly advise against it). What if we stopped staying away from people because we thought they were bad? What if we befriend them so that we no longer notice the differences between us and them? It would make the world very different from what it is today.

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