
After watching the video, it looks like the seal just wanted to hang out with the guy, but it really makes you wonder what was hiding in the water under the boat.

Often seals jump on the boat if they are afraid of a shark, which may be the case in this photo.

However, one of the cool things about this video is the fact that it is very close to the beach. The boat is mostly moored on the sand, while it only sits about fifteen feet from shore. It makes it a bit hard to believe that a shark was hiding in the depths, but you never know.

This type of behavior could also indicate that the seal was harmed in some way, but it doesn’t really look like there was anything wrong with the seal in the video.

It is quite rare for a seal to interact with humans, although seals tend to be very comfortable around people in general. There’s also a good chance the seal just wants an easy meal.

Perhaps he thought the man had caught some fish and thought he would receive alms. Either way, the video captured an encounter that doesn’t happen often.

The video of seals jumping on the boat to take a selfie has gone viral and has been shared several times on social media.

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