
A nearby video camera captured the event. While most passers-by were helping Robert, Melody Mellon picked up the dog’s leash and walked away from the Inside Edition. The dog looked confused and could be seen staring at its owner. This is the last time the dog sees Robert alive.

Before long, an ambulance arrived to help Robert. He was taken to hospital, but sadly passed away. He left behind a loving family who wondered why anyone wouldn’t want to steal a dog from a dying man.

Robert’s niece Kelly looked at the CCTV footage but did not recognize the person who left with Sampson.

The good news is that Mellon was found days later. She was sleeping in a stolen truck with Sampson by her side. The police arrested her, while Sampson was checked at the vet.

He obtained a certificate of good health. However, his favorite human is gone. Robert’s niece Kelly took the dog to the funeral home to say goodbye. It was to give an epilogue to the whole family.

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